This post is about changing jupyter notebook startup folder for anaconda in windows environment. Instead of saving C:\Users\[Current login User] folder, I would like to keep all my projects, files and development workspace in my allocated folder e.g. D:\Projects\DataScience.
Its quite easy to sort it out open Anacoda navigator from start menu and click environments and then Open Terminal
It will open command prompt, now type following in command prompt jupyter notebook –generate-config. This will create file name in location C:\User\[Current LoggedIn user]\jupyter
Now navigate to folder C:\User\[Current LoggedIn user]\jupyter and open file in text editor e.g. Notepad++
All attributes in this file are commented. We need to find #c.NotebookApp.notebook_dir and uncomment and give value of our working / project directory D:/Projects/DataScience. Don't forget to use forward slash as i have used above
Now run jupyter notebook and you can see it is point to new folder. For verification I put a file LetsLearnDataScience.txt to verify update.