Thursday, August 19, 2010

How to write a simple WCF service

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These are series of windows communication foundation articles, in which I will show you how I learn from making a simple wcf service & then host it at iis, windows services, was & use different sort of bindings etc.

I have written a simple WCF Service Library and named it EmployeeServiceLibraryI have renamed the Interface & implanted class as shown above. First I made the IEmployeeService & defined OperationContract, DataContract & DataMember.

Now for the newbie, a question will come into the mind what are these hacks, so let me give a brief overview of these terminologies:

Then I have to remove the code available with in EmployeeService.cs by default & to implement IEmployeeService.cs I will do as follows:

It will give me following screen:
I have to add following variables:As I need to get data from AdventureWorks DB, do definitely I need my application to talk to SQL Server, so I follow it like this:

I choose properties of EmployeeWCFServiceLibraryProject & then choose settings. As there is no setting file is there so I have choose to create one option.

I gave it name AdventrueWorksConnectionString & choose type as connection string. From the value section, I choose my DB.

Now it is time to do a little bit of coding. I have to implement the ListEmployee method of IEmployeeService Interface to fetch data from Employee table of AdventureWorks DB.

Moreover I have to add System.Data & System.Data.SqlClient namespace to talk to DB. Following code snipets I used to fetch data for employee:

public ListEmployee> ListEmployee()


employees = new ListEmployee>();

using (var cnn = new SqlConnection(



using (var cmd = new SqlCommand(

"Select EmployeeID, Title " +

"From Employee Order by EmployeeID", cnn))



using (SqlDataReader EmployeeReader =



while (EmployeeReader.Read())


employee = new Employee();



employee.EmployeeTitle =







return employees;


Then I use following code to fetch contact details for each employee:

public EmployeeDetail GetEmployeeDetails(string contactID)


employeeDetail = new EmployeeDetail();

using (var cnn = new SqlConnection(



using (var cmd = new SqlCommand(

"select ContactID, FirstName, " +

"LastName, EmailAddress from Person.Contact " +

"where ContactID= @contactID order by ContactID", cnn))


cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@contactID", contactID));


using (SqlDataReader ContactReader =



while (ContactReader.Read())


employeeDetail.ContactID =


employeeDetail.EmployeeFirstName =


employeeDetail.EmployeeLastName =


employeeDetail.EmployeeEmail =






return employeeDetail;


Then finally I implement the SaveChanges method as follows:

public bool SaveChanges(string contactID, string employeeFirstName, string employeeLastName,

string employeeEmail)


using (var cnn = new SqlConnection(



using (var cmd = new SqlCommand(

"update Person.Contact " +

"set FirstName= @FirstName, " +

"LastName= @LastName, " +

"EmailAddress= @EmailAddress " +

"where ConatctID= @conatctID", cnn))


cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter(

"@FirstName", employeeFirstName));

cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter(

"@LastName", employeeLastName));

cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter(

"@EmailAddress", employeeEmail));

cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter(

"@conatctID", contactID));


numRowsChanged = (int)cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();



return (numRowsChanged != 0);


Now all set to go, its time to test our WCF Service, If I run the application, wcf service host will host our service & show us wcf test client where we can test our service.If I click ListEmployee() function & then click invoke, I will get a formatted list of employee table.Now our WCF Service is ready to be used & can be hosted in IIS, Windows service or WAS.

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