Sunday, November 4, 2018

Sitecore: How to setup a visual studio solution

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To setup sitecore visual studio solution we need following steps accordingly:

  1. Create a new MVC solution in Visual Studio
  2. Replace or copy web.config & global.asax files from inetpub->wwwroot->"Sitecore application" folder and paste it to new MVC application created in step 1.
  3. Similarly replace web.config files from View folder same as step 2 into new MVC application created in Step 1
  4. Add reference to following dlls (I mostly create a new folder in MVC solution/application created in step 1 called library and copy paste following files):
    1. Sitecore.Kernel.dll
    2. Sitecore.MVC.dll
    3. Sitecore.MVC.Analytics.dll
  5. Add new view to verify above configuration by using Sitecore intellisense for:
    1. @using Sitecore.MVC
    2. @Html.Sitecore().CurrentItem.Name
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